The Heroines

Darla Farha

is honored with a Large Paver from Neices & Nephews: Ayham & Diana Farha, Doug & Gayle Malone, David & Joan Farha, Julie Farha, Laura Farha, Alif & Brigitte Hourani, Basil & Patou Hourani, Alex Ammar, Joe & Sandra Steven, J. P. & Diana Mikhail, Steve & Melinda Hutchinson

To "Aunt Darla"
on your 59th birthday

For sharing so much
Of your love, compassion and kindness with others
And inspiring us to do likewise.

For stressing the importance
Of family and how fortunate
We are to belong to ours.

For always keeping the magic
In Christmas
And giving us memories
That will last a lifetime.

But above all,
For lighting up our world
With your smile.

Our love and appreciation,
your nieces and nephews:

Ayham and Diana
Joe and Sandra
JP And Dianna
Steve and Melinda
Basil and Patou
Doug and Gayle
David and Joan
Alif and Brigitte

October 1, 1999