Rebecca Rhatigan Linot
is honored with a Tree from James J. Rhatigan.
Rebecca "Becky" Rhatigan Linot received a B.A. degree in Communicative Disorders and Sciences, cum laude, in l986. Her university experiences, however, began in l966 when at the age of two she came to her father's office in Morrison Hall where she learned to type, run the elevator, and explore the campus. She attended university events throughout her elementary and secondary school years and enrolled in the university in l981 as a distinguished scholarship recipient. She was a member of Gamma Phi Beta sorority and was active in campus life.
Becky entered the Graduate School in Communicative Disorders and Sciences to pursue a Masters degree in Audiology. She received the degree in l989 and for the next six years was an audiologist at the Kansas School for the Deaf. She married Joseph Linot, Jr. and in l994 Alec Joseph was born, followed by Reid James in l998. Becky is the daughter of Dr. James J. and Beverly Rhatigan.
August 31, 1998