L. Charlotte Webster
is honored with a Brick from Rebecca L. Webster Michele Webster Robert Webster
L. Charlotte Webster
“Loved Mother”
One of Gods greatest gifts to a family is a Mother. It is a great thing to know that we have been blessed with a mother that has been such a positive influence in our lives. Her teachings in our early childhood shaped our lives in ways we could never quite appreciate until later in life. She made us feel like we could do anything we wanted to because she believed in us. She would always let us know that we were significant, and that we were also a very important part of her life. She would constantly call us “winners” to instill confidence in us. At times we chose different paths than what she wanted for us, but like God our Mother never left us. Our Mother is so fragile and beautiful that it is hard to imagine that she could be just as fierce and protective of her kids as a mother bear would be with her cubs. For her generosity and faith in her children and God we wish to include her name in the Plaza of Heroines. We thank you Mother or being the positive force in our lives that gave us all hope. Your bright smile, calming touch, unforgettable sweet smell, and shining face makes our world a better place. We love you Mommy.
Proverbs 31:25-31
She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction are on her tongue.
She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.
Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also and he praises her.
Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the lord is to be praised.
Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.