Mary Kreif
is honored with a Brick from Theresa Kreif
My mother, Mary Elizabeth Abhold Kreif, is the principal female character in my
life. I choose to honor her in the Plaza of Heroines because she, more than
anyone else, has paved the way for my journey in life.
Mary is one of those rare people of whom others seek friendship. Countless
companions of mine, my sister Sandy, and father Ken, seek her out just to enjoy
her company.
Her adult life has been defined by sacrifice. Our family is always her first
priority. Every choice she has made was only for our best interest, never even
considering her own needs. We certainly were not lacking of any material needs
growing up, but she still wanted us to have most things, in turn going without
extras for herself.
It is hard for me to put into words the stability she has given our family over
the years. I am currently residing 10,000 miles away from her and am still able
to consider her my best friend. She has given me so many gifts, foremost being
the ability to treat everyone fairly.
I believe the best measure of a parent is what their children become. I am proud
of the person I am, independent, strong and confident. I did not get those
traits from a book or webpage; instead they came from the best role model, my
To all who have not met her she will be a friend, and to all whom know her she
is a friend. May God care for her and our family for many years to come.
Mom, you are my true heroine.
September 3, 2000