Jacqueline Block
is honored with a Brick from Patricia R. Xidis
Occupation: Semi-retired, freelance writer/professional fund-raiser/professional "temp" Broward County, Florida
Family: spouse, Martin (deceased); daughter, Julia A. Block; son, Mark A. Block
Interests and activities: Traveling, gardening and writing. Preparing for fall 2000 admission to Episcopal Lay Eucharistic Ministry
Birthplace: February 19, 1930 in Independence, KS
Family: parents, Gus and Pauline Boomis (deceased); sister Patricia R. Xidis (resides in Wichita); brother, Christopher G. Boomis (deceased).
1935-39 (Independence, KS) Washington Grade School
1939-41 (Wichita) Webster Grade School; Girl Scouts Troop 9; published first poem.
1942-44 (Wichita) Mt. Carmel Academy
1944-45 (Wichita) Robinson Intermediate School
1945-58 (Wichita) Wichita High School East; National Honor Society; Red Cross Club; Associate Editor High School Newspaper, "The Messenger."
1948-50 (St. Charles, MO) Lindenwood College; Poetry Society; Official Scorer Women's Collegiate Games; Lettered in volleyball.
1950-52 (Wichita) Wichita State University; Finalist Vogue Magazine 17th Annual Prix de Paris Writers competition.
1952-53 (New York City) Tobe-Coburn School for Fashion Careers; internship Glamour Magazine; honor graduate.
1953-59 (St. Louis, MO) Fashion Training and Fashion Show Coordinator, Stix, Baer & Fuller Stores; June, 1954 recipient of "T-Award" from Tobe-Coburn School for outstanding fashion career achievement by a first year graduate.
1959-67 (Dallas, TX) Fashion Director, Titche Goettinger (Southwest Division of Allied Stores); Dallas Fashion Models "Admiration Award"; Program Chairman, Fashion Group, Dallas Chapter.
1967-74 (St. Louis) Corporate Fashion and Training Director, Stix, Baer & Fuller Stores.
1975-1982 Semi-retired to private life.
1983-97 Corporate Publicity and Promotions Director, Lillie Rubin Stores.
1997-present Semi-retired to private life.
I continue to enjoy a wonderful life, enriched by an educational background that recalls many fine teachers who guided and inspired me. My parents, of Greek ancestry, encouraged and supported me always with their love and attention. They gave me a great appreciation for America. My sister, Patricia Xidis, is a true mentor for our family and me and I am grateful that she has brought me full circle to the Plaza of Heroines. My brother, Christopher, now deceased, will always be remembered as generous and caring.
Today, my daughter, Julia, enjoys a successful career in the travel industry as Director of the Internet Cafes for the international cruise industry. Julia is a graduate of the University of Maryland. She embarks on her second world cruise January, 2001. My son, Mark resides in Washington D.C., and works for U.S. Senator Bob Graham (Florida). In March, 1999, Mark was promoted to Deputy Chief of Staff for Senator Graham, having previously served the senator as Director of Florida Scheduling and Advance. Mark is a graduate of Florida State University and is now starting his second year in the Masters in Business Administration program at Johns Hopkins University. My husband Martin's life was full, though brief, and he shared valuable time with his family, and we are each the better for him.
As I commence my seventh decade, I anticipate continuing self-growth spiritually and in watching my family and the amazing world around us progress from this day forward.
September 3, 2000