The Heroines

Ruby Nachtigal Fast

is honored with a Brick from Phyllis Fast.


Mom was like a gift from heaven to our family; her eulogy was entitled "Touched by an Angel." Her strong faith in God helped Mom maintain strength and courage throughout her lifetime. She was hardworking, kind, gentle, compassionate, and supportive in all her roles as daughter, niece, aunt, wife, mother, grandmother, and friend. Mom's peace-loving nature enabled her to always turn the other cheek, and she demonstrated great wisdom by accepting people unconditionally, freely complimenting their strengths, while gently guiding them through their weaknesses. Always a giving person, Mom's lifelong charitable deeds began in her early 20's when she helped in the home of her eldest brother, providing much care for his six children, even in their later life.

Receipt of material things was not her forte but showing hospitality was. She took a special interest in her children's, grandchildren's, and her friends' lives providing a much needed source of spiritual encouragement, offering verses, uplifting poems, and pertinent cartoons in her correspondence as she imparted words of encouragement and understanding to us all during hard times.

Her family summed up her life as follows: "Grandma meant so much to all of us and had such a profound impact on our lives that everything she owned held memories which seemed priceless." "One generation passes on, but the next one carries on the torch. She was a tough act to follow, but perhaps by following the one she followed so earnestly we can come close."

"It would be unfair to Mom for us to not pay attention to the life she lived, the never-ending encouragement she gave us, the total unselfishness she portrayed not only to her family but also her friends. It would behoove us all to continue the legacy she inherited from her mother and enhanced."

Her mother once called Mom's sister her angel and Mom her cowboy. It seems ironic now that in reality Mom was an angel and our family was lucky enough to have been touched by her for over 40 years. Mom married our father in 1955 to help raise his four daughters.

Submitted by her loving daughters and family: Phyllis Fast, Janet Fast Johnson, Verne Johnson, Malinda Boeker, and Bert Johnson

July 16, 1998 (for Ruby Nachtigal Fast)