Judith Ann Brokaw
is honored with a Brick from Nancy Vaughn
Judith Ann Brokaw was born on October 27, 1944 at Evanston Hospital in Evanston, Illinois. She was the third daughter of Mary Ann Monti Ortlund and James Bernard. Her mother divorced when Judy was 5 and married Bill Davidson was she was 8. In 1951, the family moved from Illinois to Long Island New York. In 1956, Judy became a big sister when her brother Bruce was born. In 1961, Judy graduated from Paul D. Schreiber high School She attended the Yonkers New York School of Nursing and graduated as a Licensed Practical Nurse in October, 1964. During her nearly 40-year career in nursing, she worked at St. Francis Hospital in Roslyn, NY; Mather Memorial Hospital in Port Jefferson, New York; and the Wesley Rehabilitation Hospital, Via Christi Regional Medical Center and Center for Same Day Surgery in Wichita, Kansas. Judy was a loyal and respected member of the team at each of these places. Where she provided care and touched the lives of thousands of people.
Judy was married to Peter Brokaw on October 21, 1967. One year later, their first child, Scott, was born. Kim was born in 1969 and Matthew was born in 1975. Judy and Peter were divorced in 1977. Judy is best known for possessing great strength and determination while maintaining an unbreakably positive attitude, upbeat demeanor and endless sense of humor. Never were these traits more evident than in the way she raised her children on her won. In 1982, she and the children moved from Long Island to Andover, Kansas, to be closer to family.
Judy always took great pride in the accomplishments of her children. Scott graduated from Andover High School in 1986 and began his career in the Army in 1988. Scott later completed a Bachelor of Science Degree in Liberal Studies from Excelsior College. Hew was recently promoted to the rank of Master Sergeant and is currently assigned as the Noncommissioned Officer in Charge of Analysis & Production for the Intelligence Branch of the Multinational Forces-Iraq in Baghdad, Iraq. Kim graduated from Andover High School in 1987 and earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology from Wichita State University in 1991. Kim currently works as a Substance Abuse Counselor at Midwest ADP. Matt graduated from Andover High School in 1993 and earned a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree from Wichita State University. He is currently the Director of Corporate Sales and Game Operations for the Wichita Thunder Professional Hockey team in Wichita, Kansas.
Judy lost her home and nearly all of her possessions when a tornado ripped through south Wichita and Andover on April 26, 1991. As always, Judy chose to focus on the silver lining rather than the dark cloud, relishing the opportunity to go shopping and pick out some new furniture.
In February 1994, at age, 49, Judy suffered a sudden heart attack. Following double bypass surgery, she worked hard to rehabilitate and recover, and returned to work within months. In 2003, she was hospitalized with congestive heart failure. Again, she faced this challenge with courage and grace, surviving against all odds. Judy was not able to return to work following her hospitalization, instead choosing to retire to Kansas City to be closer to Kim, Brad, and her grandchildren Kayla and Jacob. During her time in Kansas City, Judy enjoyed participating in a Book Club, playing Bingo and going to the Riverboat Casinos.
Judy also enjoyed her weekly three-way calls with her sisters Eileen and Nancy, visiting with friends, and going shopping, out to breakfast, antiquing and to craft shows. Judy was a true animal lover, sharing her home with many pets throughout the years.
Friends and family gathered in Wichita in October 2004, to help Judy celebrate her 60th birthday. The outpouring of love and admiration for Judy remains a lasting symbol of her ability to positively impact the lives of others. She will always be remembered for her grace, charm, and charisma, as well as for her remarkable spirit and ability to make people around her smile. She will be greatly missed.