Susan Wolf Anderson
is honored with a Medium Paver from David J. Anderson.
When life gives Susie Wolf Anderson lemons, she doesn't give up. She makes lemonade instead. After a brief marriage in high school and the birth of her first child, she overcame the obstacles in her life and earned two degrees from Wichita State University, And that's only the beginning. But I'm ahead of myself.
I first met Susie in 1962. Our paths crossed several times during the following years until our marriage in 1968. During our courtship, we were both students at Wichita State University. I graduated the year of our marriage. I remember that my engagement proposal included a promise that she would continue her education until graduation.
Susie received her undergraduate degree in History in 1972, followed by a graduate degree in Modern European History in 1975. All of this may seem rather unremarkable to the casual reader, but I can assure you that her accomplishments were anything but that. When she became a mother during high school, Susie never considered giving up her dream for a college education. With little outside assistance she raised her son while pursuing and reaching her goal. After graduation and marriage, Susie became involved in her second passion, Democratic Politics, as an aid to the newly elected Congressman, Dan Glickman. She served the Fourth District in that capacity for almost twelve years.
Susie continues to serve her community in many ways through many volunteer organizations, The Wichita Art Museum, Wichita State University and her family fill her time now. Susie has often said that if it were not for WSU, her goal, as well as mine, might not have been achieved. "Wichita State University gave me the opportunity to work, raise a family and get a quality education at the same time."
Susie has continued to be involved with the University by supporting the History School, Alumni Association and Wichita State Athletics. She holds the distinction of being the first female President of the Shocker Athletic Scholarship Organization (SASO) in '96/'97 and a great fan of all WSU sports.
I believe that her greatest contribution has been that of an example to her two sons, David and Bradley, her husband, and her many friends and relatives who have watched her lead by example, set and reach lofty goals while providing a moral compass for all who know and love her. Susan Wolf Anderson, my heroine!
Submitted by her husband David J, Anderson
WSU graduate, BBA, 1968; owner of Dealer's Leasing, Inc. Wichita, KS
June 2, 1998