Arlene Schreiber Thomas
is honored with a Brick from Barton School Dean’s Ambassadors: Ryan Schrader, Tammy Nguyen, Michelle Sears
Arlene Thomas is an assistant dean for budgets in the W. Frank Barton School of Business. She started working at Wichita State University as a secretary in the Dean's Office and over the past 31 years has been promoted to the position she currently holds. She is also an advisor for the Barton School Dean's Ambassadors, an invitation only, honor student organization for the Barton School.
Arlene earned her Bachelor of Business Administration in finance with minors in Economics and Management, graduating magna cum laude, and her Master of Business Administration from Wichita State University. While attending WSU she received a number of memberships, awards and honors. She was involved in Golden Key National Honor Society and Mortar Board. Honors she received include Who's Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges, Wichita State University Senior Honor Woman, W. Frank Barton School of Business Frank A. Neff Memorial Award for Outstanding Senior, Phi Kappa Phi, and was inducted into Beta Gamma Sigma as a junior and recognition again at the graduate level.
Arlene volunteers for The Lord's Diner and is a current member of Wichita State University's Council of University Women and Women's Association.