Diana Cochran-Black
is honored with a Brick from the College of Health Professions
A healthcare professional with over 30 years of teaching experience in the Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences with teaching emphasis in Hematology, Epidemiology and Medical Immunology and has been at the University for nearly thirty-five years. She served as the Chair of MLS from 2017 – 2022. Thank you for your service Diana!
Oklahoma University Health Sciences Center: Outstanding Dissertation Award: 1998
Academy for Effective Teaching: 2000
Delores, Etta and Sidney Rodenberg Award for Excellence in Teaching: 2002-2003
Leadership Academy: 2010-2011
Bender of Twigs: 2012
Effects of Lower Extremity Blood Flow Restriction Exercise on Strength Generation and Interleukin-6 Levels in the Elderly. Submitted to Wichita State 2018 Regional Institute on Aging. Hakansson, N.(PI), Bell, H. and Deck, C., Cochran-Black, D. and Nickel, S. (Co-PIs) Funded January 2019- $20,000.00.
Wichita State University’s Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students. Submitted to Dept. of Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). Submitted June 2010. Richard Muma, (Project Director). Contacts: Cochran-Black, D (Medical Technology), Coufal, K (Communication Sciences and Disorders), Koehn, M (Nursing), Nyberg, S (Physician Assistant) and Wilson, C (Physical Therapy). Amount requested for Medical Technology: $119,418. Amount Funded: $7646
Extended-Interval Gentamicin Dosing in the Neonatal Population. Submitted to University Research/Creative Projects (URCA), December 2003. Hale,L (PI), Enns,S and Cochran-Black, D (Co- Investigators). $4500. Not Funded.
Reducing Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Risk Factors in Minority and Low Income Infants. Cochran, D (PI) and Burnside L . Submitted to the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services/Washington, D.C. July 1995. $13,294. Not Funded.
Hemoglobin F and Risk Factors for SIDS. Submitted to University Research/Creative Projects (URCA). Cochran, D (PI), Conrad, ME & Matney, J (Co -Investigators). Funded January 1995. $2,830.