Marilyn Webb
is honored with a Brick from Eric Cale, Jennifer Herren, and Derek Lueker.
Dear Mom,
Every night before I go to bed I check on Linnea, Julian and Ivey. When I tuck them in I usually go over the day in my mind. I wonder if I was too hard on them, or maybe not hard enough. Was I there when they needed me? Did I hug them when they woke up, or was I already pushing into the day? Did I miss any chances to teach them something valuable?
As parents we try to teach our children lessons of love, trust, honesty, faith, responsibility and hard work every day through our own actions. But there are so many other things I want my children to learn as well. I want my children to have an appreciation and respect for other people, cultures, music and art. I want them to feel a sense of adventure, independence, respect for the earth, a sense of civic leadership and the desire to help others in need. I want them to have the ability to survive, determination, self assurance, self respect and the desire to celebrate the littlest things in life using the good china.
The job seems overwhelming, until I think about how I learned the value of these things. I can remember specific moments in my life where some of these lessons were learned. Others are from an accumulation of experiences. But the central figure in all of them was you.
Thank you for your love, your inspiration and the world that you opened up, not just for me, but also for my children.
I love you