Joan Sherman
is honored with a Brick from Arthur E. Sherman.
As I look back on the past 44 years, I can't imagine what my life would have been like without Joan.
Today, she is as vibrant and beautiful as the day we were married in May, 1953. Things weren't easy at first, but Joan made a life for us, and never complained. When our two sons were born, she was a natural mother always there for them when I could not be.
When my business ventures required moving to a new city, she always supported me. She adapted to the changes easily, making friends and a new life for our family eleven times. Now that's some lady! In whatever city we were living, Joan always found the time to serve in many community activities.
For the past five years, she has been working at WSU. She claimed that she had been retired for 40 years, so it was time to go to work. Why was she "retired" for 40 years? Even though she had received the same education as I, she was a "product of the times." Most wives just didn't work 50 years ago.
Thank you sweetheart, for your support, your love, your sense of humor and for just being you.
July 28, 1998 (for Joan Sherman)