Mary Campuzano
is honored with a Brick from Jennifer Coen.
Hi. My name is Jennifer Coen and I am 7 years old. I want to tell you about my heroine. I looked up the word heroine in the dictionary with my Mom, and here is what it said: "heroine: a woman admired and emulated for her achievements and qualities." The person I most admire and want to be like when I grow up is my friend, Mary Campuzano.
Mary lives two doors down from me. In fact, I can look out my window and see when she is working in her garden. Mary also works with my Daddy at the Kansas Health Foundation. I think she and my Daddy make people not smoke. Mary is kind of like my big sister. She invites me to do fun things with her. Just about every week we get together and decorate cookies, draw pictures, shop for Beanie Babies, or go to McDonald's or Discovery Zone. We laugh a lot when we spend time together.
I like to talk to Mary. She always listens and makes me feel good about myself. She is really nice and kind and I try really hard to be like her.
My best friend, Mary. She makes a difference in my life. She is my heroine. I hope someday to be just like her!
Submitted by Jennifer Coen
Mary K. Campuzano is Vice President of Program at the Kansas Health Foundation. Mary has been with the Foundation since 1989, and has served in this position since 1997.
On February 26, 1998, Mary was recognized with the highest award given to an individual in health philanthropy, the Terrance Keenan Leadership Award in Health Philanthropy. The award was presented at the Grantmakers in Health Conference in Los Angeles. Mary was honored for her prevention efforts in the areas of teen pregnancy and adolescent substance abuse. She was also honored for key grants and leadership in helping establish new and more effective ways to educate health care workers, including physicians, nurses and physician assistants. She has been the lead program officer behind an award winning campaign. "Take It Outside" to raise awareness of the health risks of secondhand smoke to children.
Before joining the Foundation, Mary was the Director of Physician Outreach Services at HCA Wesley Medical Center. During her tenure at Wesley, she started the home health care department where she served as Director for three years.
She is a graduate of the St. Francis School of Nursing in Wichita and was previously a faculty member at Wichita State University in the Department of Nursing. In addition, Mary has served as head nurse in the coronary care unit of two major hospitals.
July 7, 1998