Joan S Beren
is honored with a Brick from Shirley Glickman.
Joan Beren often quotes the phrase, "You can't control what happens to you, but you can control your behavior." More than anyone I know, Joan lives by her beliefs and by these words. To every project she undertakes, Joan brings great leadership, a unique wit, and most impressively, style.
Joan's energy and zest for living are huge, she is funny and fun loving, her strength and authenticity are remarkable. She is a born leader who inspires those who work on her various causes to do their best for her. Her manner with groups is to bring her helpers along with her rather than towering over them. She is successful because she makes people in all positions feel valued.
These gifts enable her to live on a world-wide scale, yet Joan is easily able to shift her assistance to the needs of friends who ask for advice on personal matters. As she narrows the focus of her thoughts, Joan continually comes up with creative solutions to difficult problems.
While with her, one sees the world through Joan's keen perspective. Above all, she remains herself, bringing the world along and shaping it as she goes. She loves fashion and incorporates the latest fads into her own presentation. Among her many wisdoms, she respects the idea of revision, and though she always remains Joan to the core, she acknowledges the many evolutions of life.
Joan is as dynamic as the mother of four and a grandmother of twelve as she is in her varied projects. When discussing her family, Joan distills each member's essence and the listener falls in love with them through her eyes. As always, Joan brings the world with her. To be with Joan is to have the "Joan experience"; she is an artist whose medium is life itself.
Joan and I have been friends for 46 years, and though our paths and interests do not always follow the same course, I love and admire this woman. With her guidance, the world is continually becoming a more wondrous place.
Submitted by Shirley Glickman
September 5, 1998