Maxine C. Stilger
is honored with a Brick from Mike and Mary Jo Gallagher, George and Lindi Holmes, and Jeff and Mabel Stilger.
Maxine Carmine (Raizon) Stilger was born August 10, 1921 in Davison, Michigan, the only child of Bertha and Ernie Raizon. The family moved to Portland, Oregon, a few years later where Maxine spent most of her childhood. In 1939, she graduated from Commerce High School, became employed, and bought a house. While still in high school, she met her future husband, William J. Stilger, and they were married December 7, 1940. In the ensuing years, she has provided the at-home support for Bill during his Air Force and civilian careers, reared three children, and played a lot of bridge. We three children, Linda Jean, Mary Jo, and Jeffrey Allen, and our families are proud to dedicate this brick to her.
Maxine Stilger has lived her life without ambition for career, wealth, or fame, but focused on family and home in a graceful (not militant) manner. With quiet strength, willingness, and resourcefulness, she has helped us enjoy good times and eased us through hard times, focusing not on the passing difficulties, but on the more positive and fulfilling aspects of any situation. Her creative efforts have enriched our lives, serving as model and inspiration. While this is not the stuff of heroic legend, it has required sacrifice, courage, and steadfastness, all of which are the measure of heroism. We are grateful.
July 16, 1998