Mildred J. Van Sickle
is honored with a Large Paver from James M. Van Sickle.
November 27, 1924 - May 7, 1997
Mildred (Millie) J. Van Sickle was born, raised, and educated in rural Greenwood County, Kansas. She overcame a difficult early life, including the loss of her mother during her teenage years. Millie's courage and strong principles, including her loving and unselfish attitude towards family and friends, gives undying testimony to her life.
Millie came to Wichita during the early part of World War II, where she lived with an older sister and worked for Boeing Aircraft, in the Engineering Blue Print Control Department. She met and married James M. Van Sickle during the war years, and following his return from the war, they purchased their first home on the east side of Wichita, where they began raising their family of two children. Wichita remained home throughout Millie's adult life.
Millie was a dedicated homemaker and always active in the lives of her children, Cecelia and David, serving as PTA President and Room Mother, Brownie Troop Leader, Den Mother for Cub Scouts, and Little League baseball involvement. She enjoyed many of her children's school and social activities, as well as family outings and vacations. Fishing, boating, family board games, and golf were activities Millie truly enjoyed.
Millie surmounted personal tragedy in her adult life, while still offering support to her family, when her son David was tragically killed in an industrial accident, shortly following his graduation from Wichita State University.
Millie deeply enjoyed the comradeship of her friends and was socially active throughout her life, being elected as president of her sorority and of the Ladies Golf Association. Her Ladies Bridge Club was a source of great enjoyment and shared friendship. Millie also involved herself in volunteer and community service work and served as the Supervising Return Judge for many city, state, and federal elections.
Millie's faith in God was always important to her and she maintained this faith throughout her life. She was a member of First United Methodist Church in Wichita, Kansas.
Millie's courage and faith never diminished,even as she endured a degenerative illness throughout the last year and a half of her life. Millie's love for her husband, children, grandchildren, family members, and friends continues to give inspiration to those who knew her. It is, therefore, only fitting that Millie Van Sickle be lovingly honored and remembered in the Plaza of Heroines at Wichita State University.
She remains in our hearts forever.
Submitted by James Van Sickle and Cecelia Van Sickle-Bollig (her loving husband and daughter)
July 28, 1998