Sylvia Hatfield
is honored with a Brick from Christy Fasano.
1896 - 1994
Miss Sylvia Hatfield was my across the street neighbor. She lived in that house for as long as I can remember. I can still see her now, even at 93 years old, she would mow her lawn herself, her white straight hair falling out of her turban and her small build pushing that tiny electric lawn mower. She lived to be 98 years old and was one of the strongest, most elegant, and intelligent women I knew. She was my "across-the-street'' grandma who inspired people to see the magnificence in art, the importance in reading, the beauty of the birds, and taught how one could be alone without being lonely. She could also give you more baseball statistics than a newspaper and when her door opened it made music. She shared her love for her cat and her dogs and for all of us who lived across the street. She had much dignity and grace and always wanted us to continue to grow in our knowledge, love, and family. As she watched the birds, she watched our family.
Submitted by Christy Fasano
July 16, 1998