Nancy Landon Kassebaum Baker
is honored with a Large Bench from Frances C. Aitchison, Mildred McCoy Armstrong, Margaret W. Bangs, Gwendolyn C. Bell, Sally S. Bell, Elizabeth Bennett, Joan Beren, Suzanne N. Berry, Sarah T. Brasted, Peggy Brown, Peggy R. Browning, Mrs. Robert Buck, Mrs. C.Q. Chandler, Mary Ellen Conlee, Ruth Coultis, Phyllis V. Decker, Richard W. Dillon, Donna Dilsaver, Anita P. Drake, Judy Eberly, Melodee S. Eby, J. Eric Engstrom, Donice S. Evans, Frank and Bonnie Fee, Gloria Farha Flentje, Mrs. John Fontron, Nancy and John L.D. Frazier, Mary Sue Gilkeson, Ivonne Goldstein, Dorothy Goodpasture, Norma C. Greever, Elizabeth I. Hayes, Jane Hershberger, Theodore B. and Sue Harper Ice, Joan S. Beren Foundation, Marjorie Kendall, Richard M. Kerchen, Barbara A. Macdonald, Virginia Malone, Carol C. McEwen, Betty Menehan, Russ and Helen Meyer Charitable Trust, Norma Mitchell, Wanda Morrison, Jeanette Mull, Carol A. Murray, Judy C. Naylor, Doris B. Nelson, Carol Olander, Helen Piper, Georgia Ptacek, Dorothy J. Reed, Mrs. D. Cramer Reed, Marjorie W. Rees, Barbara Rensner, Sara S. Rogers, Helen M. Ross, Marjorie Crane Schnacke, Marjorie Setter, Nancy T. Shears, Judith Slawson, Joyce F. Smith, Shelby Smith, Katherine Stannard, Gladys Stavely, Marjorie F. Stewart, Marilyn H. Swearer, Lorraine R. Thiessen, Jane F. Thompson, Dora M. Timmerman, Constance K. Vance, Jo Ann Von Ruden, Mrs. Dwane L. Wallace, Mary Jean Wells, Anna Jo Wesley, and Melba C. Widdowson.
A Special Moment:
Each of us who join in this tribute look back with fondness on special moments in our lives. They may have resulted from satisfaction over a job well done, the culmination of efforts which produced a desired goal, respect and loyalty given and returned, or victories hoped for and eventually achieved.
I know one special moment that we all share encompasses all of the above and occurred on November 7, 1978 when, after months of fund-raising, walking door to door, and manning phones and typewriters, we shared the excitement of the election of Nancy Landon Kassebaum to the Senate of the United States.
Throughout her 18 years of service she gained the respect of Kansans, her colleagues in the Senate and members of the Administration for her untiring, caring, judicious and responsible action to promote the well-being of each of us.
We are proud and appreciative of the integrity she unfailingly exhibited during her terms of office, and we know that this is the common opinion of all who know her.
There is no one more deserving of a place in the Wichita State University Plaza of Heroines. She is an outstanding role model for the generations to come who will visit here and will be reminded of her uncommon efforts in our behalf.
Nancy, we love you.
Submitted by:
Frances C. Aitchison,
Mildred McCoy Armstrong,
Margaret W. Bangs,
Gwendolyn C. Bell,
Sally S. Bell,
Elizabeth Bennett,
Joan S. Beren,
Suzanne N. Berry,
Sarah T. Brasted,
Peggy Brown,
Peggy R. Browning,
Mrs. Robert Buck,
Mrs. C.Q. Chandler,
Mary Ellen Conlee,
Ruth Coultis,
Phyllis V. Decker,
Richard W. Dillon,
Donna Dilsaver,
Anita P. Drake,
Judy Eberly,
Melodee S. Eby,
J. Eric Engstrom,
Donice S. Evans,
Frank and Bonnie Fee,
Gloria Farha Flentje,
Mrs. John Fontron,
John L.D. and Nancy Frazier,
Mary Sue Gilkeson,
Ivonne Goldstein,
Dorothy Goodpasture,
Norma C. Greever,
Elizabeth I. Hayes,
Jane Hershberger,
Theodore B. and Sue Harper Ice,
Marjorie Kendall,
Richard M. Kerchen,
Barbara A. MacDonald,
Virginia Malone,
Carol C. McEwen,
Betty Menehan,
Russ and Helen Meyer,
Norma Mitchell,
Wanda Morrison,
Jeanette Mull,
Carol A. Murray,
Judy C. Naylor,
Doris B. Nelson,
Carol Olander,
Helen Piper,
Georgia Ptacek,
Dorothy J. Reed,
Mrs. D. Cramer Reed,
Marjorie W. Rees,
Barbara Rensner,
Sara S. Rogers,
Helen M. Ross,
Marjorie Crane Schnacke,
Marjorie Setter,
Nancy T. Shears,
Judith Slawson,
Joyce F. Smith,
Shelby Smith,
Katherine Stannard,
Gladys Stavely,
Marjorie F. Stewart,
Marilyn H. Swearer,
Lorraine R. Thiessen,
Jane F. Thompson,
Dora M. Timmerman,
Constance K. Vance,
Jo Ann Von Ruden,
Mrs. Dwane L. Wallace,
Mary Jean Wells,
Anna Jo Wesley, and
Melba C. Widdowson
September 16, 1998