Shannon Michaud
is honored with a Brick from Cameron Osborn.
Dear Mom,
I wasn't exactly sure how to approach writing your personal history, but after little thought I decided on a letter - a thank you letter.
Oh, where to begin? First, I thank God for you being such a big part of my life. I don't know what I'd do without my best friend. The lessons you have taught me are irreplaceable.
Thank you for teaching me to love myself first, be independent, and care for others. These lessons will be some of the most important ones of my life.
Thank you for always supporting me. It is reassuring to know that no matter the situation, you will always be there.
Thank you for making me dig deeper, work harder than the next, and believe that if I want, I can do anything.
Mom, thank you for raising me to be unafraid of coloring outside of the lines and encouraging me to enjoy the scenery along the road of life.
Thank you for teaching me responsibility, humility, and giving me the confidence to follow my heart.
Thank you for being honest with me, respecting me, and confiding in me. Our relationship is much stronger because we trust each other.
Most importantly, thank you for being my mother. You truly are the greatest!
I love you,
Your Daughter, Cameron Victoria Osborn
September 14, 1998 (for Shannon Michaud)