Jessie O'Donnell
is honored with a Medium Paver from Peggy Faulk, Kae Nielsen, Al O'Donnell, and Karol Sauer.
With Love and Appreciation to our Mother:
Jessiel was born in Lincoln, Nebraska at the home of her maternal grandmother. She lived in Denton, Nebraska until her parents moved to Wichita, Kansas in 1942 to work in the aircraft industry. Jessie attended Blessed Sacrament and Cathedral High School. She graduated in 1948. After graduating Jessie worked for Innes Dept. Store, F&E Wholesale Grocery, and Cessna Aircraft.
In 1950, Jessie met and married Jack O'Donnell. Jack was playing for the Wichita Indians. On the last day of the season Jack asked Jessie to marry him. They were married on November 18, 1950. The next day they left for Puerto Rico where Jack played winter baseball.
In 1965 Jessie went to work at the Post Office as a clerk. In 1976 she was promoted to Superintendent of Postal Operations at Derby, Kansas and later to Postmaster. Jessie was Postmaster when she retired September 3, 1991 shortly after Jack's death.
Jessie and Jack have five children; Peggy Faulk, Kae Nielsen, Karol Sauer, Matt O'Donnell, and Al O'Donnell. All of their children attended Wichita State University. Jessie's grandson, Joey Sauer, has moved from his parent's home in California to live with Grandma while he attends WSU.
In honor of Jessie, my special mother . . . The quality that stands out in my mother is how important family is. My mother is a strong individual that encouraged hard work and each family member being a contributor to the family unit. My mother taught us the significance of effort. I realize it was her efforts that guided me to my success. She provided the financial and emotional support for my graduation from Wichita State University. I consider my mom a dear friend as we have grown in the years. I love her and I am thrilled to show her through the Plaza of Heroines how much she is appreciated.
Peggy Faulk - Wichita State University, 1973
Vandenberg Middle School Counselor
Lompoc, CA
Mom, thank you for teaching me the value of hard work, tolerance, and kindness. While growing up, you taught that any job should be done well, no matter what the job. By your example you showed acceptance of all people and their ideas. Over the years I have remembered many of your words . . ."Kill 'em with kindness," "Life's not fair, get used to it," "Some day it will be your turn." These adages have served me well. Thanks Mom, I love you.
Kae Nielsen Wichita State University, 1989
Rex Elementary, Haysville, Kansas
Teacher, K-5 Behavior Management
The Plaza of Heroines is a fitting place to honor my mother, Jessie O'Donnell. Throughout my life, my mother has been an example of how to grow as a strong accomplished woman. Not only did she provide her family with strong Christian values, she provided us with an example of how to be successful business women. Her work ethic is of the highest level, and she always gives 100 percent even in her many volunteer activities. I truly believe her example guides me through my life and is the reason for my successes.
Karol Sauer - Wichita State University, 1980
SPA Medical Management, Human Resource Manager
Folsom, CA
I am pleased to honor my mother, Jessie, in the Wichita State University Plaza of Heroines. Mom, thank you for providing me opportunities. Love, Al
Al O'Donnell - Wichita State University, 1985
Vice President of Asia, Blockbuster Entertainment
Pacific Rim; Argyle, TX
September 17, 1998